Sunday, October 21, 2007


Entering Page:
- Sorting News by Time.
- Color tells what types of News.
- Type Size for each News tells how popular or favorite news is.
- On the right size, showing the list popular and less popular news.
- On the top, showing small thumbnails of pictures of latest News for each category.

Same Page:
Sorting News by Category

News Page:
- News article
- Color tells what types of news
- On the bottom, secondary resources to get more information relating to the news.
- Links to word resource.

Word Resource Page:
- Showing news relating to the subject
- On the left side, lists of popular or hot words at the time.

Resource Page:

1 comment:

RYANpatrickDORAZI said...

I like the color code idea, although the extreme type size can look a little clunky. Also, it would be interesting to see the colors in more muted tones.